Hello Letter: Our 20th Anniversary
June 2018 –
Hello Dear Ones,
It’s been a long time since I’ve penned those words. I hope you are well. I’ve missed you.
Twenty years ago, The Christian Woman’s Page published its very first issue. I can hardly believe it. So much has changed in the last twenty years, and yet, so little. Babies grow up and new ones are born; friends move and move on; loved ones die; marriages begin and sadly, end; career directions shift; national tragedies strike; and although politicians change faces, their empty promises never seem to even though “the other guy” won the election.
Thankfully, through it all, there is one constant: Jesus. No matter what we face, His love for us is the same today as it was twenty years ago, and it will still be as gracious and bountiful in another twenty thousand years. Because of His love and faithfulness, we can confidently trust that God will be present in every situation, good or bad.
My earnest desire for the CWP has always been that the words shared here would encourage women when they need it most. In the years prior to starting the magazine, I found myself desperately discouraged. Christ eventually met me in that emptiness and provided in ways I never dreamed. Grateful, I always want to pay that blessing forward because I don’t want other women to suffer in the same hopelessness I have known. The CWP has been my vessel. From interactions with our readers and authors through the years, I know I’ve accomplished my mission.
As I’ve added another twenty years to my walk with Jesus, I’ve been reminded again and again that “living with passion and love for Jesus” looks very different from day to day and season to season. Life ebbs and flows by exhaustion and exasperation levels, tragedy, and moments of stillness. Sometimes joy and happiness are elusive. Loving others as Christ loves us isn’t easy; some days it seems downright impossible. Through it all, Jesus is still there, calling us to follow Him. I’ve also learned that the most loving thing I can do for some people is to let them go and let God love them through someone else. I’ve seen glorious restoration with some, and still hold hope for others.
The wonderful thing about the Christian life is that no matter how closely I follow or how widely I wander, Jesus lovingly holds me in His hand and directs my life. That doesn’t mean those directions will make it simple or painless, especially when we are holding on to something we should let go of, but mostly because Jesus promised that in this world we will have trouble. More often than naught, life is downright messy and unbelievable. Honestly? If you asked me twenty years ago where I thought I would be today, I promise you that it would be light years away from the journey I’ve taken. Some of you know exactly what I mean.
It’s easy to talk about God’s passionate love for us when everything is one blessing after another, but we’ve always tried to be real here at the CWP: life is hard and sometimes God seems miles away. How can we possibly love Him passionately when it doesn’t seem like He cares when our heart is breaking? One breath at a time. And prayer. Lots of prayer.
Some moments are purely survival. They need to be lived simply to get through and contemplated later. Other moments are pure joy. We need to see the greater providence in both.
While it is wonderful to watch God joyfully answer prayers in a way people rejoice in, sometimes it seems we pray and pray and pray and God simply does not answer or doors slam shut. He seems silent and we want to lose our minds because a deadline is staring us down or a situation seems to be at critical mass. God isn’t a genie or Santa Claus who makes magical wishes come true when we ask, but I have learned He always answers. Always. Answers can be delayed months, years, and sometimes decades, but the answers do arrive.
When life gets hard and I’m feeling lost or overwhelmed, my prayers usually swirl in the direction of “Give me grace and strength to handle whatever today throws at me” and “Please, please, please keep me in the center of Your will.” As we seek Him, we need to believe He answers – even if the direction we are walking towards looks nothing at all like we think it should. He has shown me over and over that He truly does work all things together for those who love Him.
Today, the web is brimming with thousands of sites dedicated to helping every type of Christian woman live better lives. If you can search for it, you can find it. The CWP still has a voice and a mission. We’re happy to re-join the chorus of voices proclaiming that God is good and His love endures.
The message we offer is simple: Jesus loves us, forgives us, and provides for all of our needs. We love to share that hope with others by doing our best to live passionately for Him. Knowing someone who can live in that kind of hope, forgiveness, grace, and love is inspiration like no other.
While things change, some things remain the same: we continue to Encourage Women to Live with Passion and Love for Jesus Christ. Twenty years later we still see God at work in our lives. Our faith grows stronger and more mature because of the challenges we faced and how God worked in our darkest and finest hours. We are far from perfect, but we understand that grace is our friend and God’s love sustains us. And His love and grace are there in abundance for you, too.
Here’s to another 20 years!
With Christ’s Incredible Love,
Editor and Publisher
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