
We believe in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten son. Jesus was born of a virgin and conceived by the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity. We believe He is a loving, personal God that seeks our hearts. We believe He wants a real, intimate relationship with us, not robots to do the things He wants done.

We believe that the Bible is the Infallible Word of God, given to us for our learning, encouragement and correction – a love letter to His people.

We believe that to be born again and have eternal life, one must believe that Jesus Christ came into the world and died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin once and for all as established in the Old Testament. And by believing that Christ’s sacrifice satisfied the requirements for you and your sins, you are forgiven, redeemed and await the day when you will spend eternity with God. Christ’s sacrifice is the greatest expression of love.

We believe that Jesus calls each of us to a place of ministry. God has given each believer spiritual gifts to edify and encourage the Body of Christ. We feel each believer needs to be using those gifts for the glory of God in an area they are passionate.

For most women, their calling also involves home and children. We believe Christian women should be living examples of the faith they hold, that they may win the world without a word. Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 present beautiful pictures of godly women. We believe those special passages contain principles to help us be discerning in the choices we make in our modern day lives, not that we are to go out and buy a literal vineyard or spin flax and wool, although some do. We also believe that every Christian woman should follow as God leads, no matter where the road takes her.

We wish to encourage Christian women to live passionately for Jesus Christ; by seeking to live their lives the way Christ is leading them in light of Scripture. We long to encourage each other and strengthen each other with the Word of God.